Osamu Tezuka Wiki


Brief Bio[]

Saruta lives a life of extreme hardship at the mercy of fate, habitually showing the dark side of human nature, and had the talent to give such serious performances. He's most easily recognizable by his grotesque nose, extremely swollen with many pot-marks.

Major Appearances[]


In Phoenix, he is arguably an over-arching protagonist for the series as a whole, alongside its title character. He appears in every story, sometimes in a main role, sometimes in a peripheral one, sometimes with a new name and barely recognizable in his character, but always present and important. Saruta gave his most characteristic performance as Gao in "The Phoenix: Chapter of Ho-o".


Black Jack[]

In Black Jack, he is featured as Dr. Honma Jotaro, once a skilled and famous surgeon later thrown out of the medical community due to jealousy and doubt about his research, who saved young Black Jack as a child, was Black Jack’s principle father figure during his life, and inspired him to become a doctor. Since Saruta is the character in Phoenix who best understands the system of reincarnation, life and death, it is appropriate that in Black Jack Dr. Honma is the figure who most frequently reminds Black Jack about the power of nature and the inevitability of death.

This is a disambiguation page - This page lists a specific recurring character and their appearances